Sunday, June 28, 2009

Here are the images of the wedding invitations I printed for a San Fran style wedding! Erik did the beautiful drawing for the invites... and we get to go to the wedding too! Woo hoo!


Erik graduated this May- woo hoo! So I whipped up some announments, inspired by his tattoo:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Q and A with myself

Q: Hey Taelor, didn't you start a blog to post your work?
A: Yup, sure did.

Q: Don't you also try and take pictures of your work to upload?
A: Why, yes I do.

Q:Seems like the last post was nearly 3 months ago, is this correct, or did you start another, amazing and mind blowing blog?
A: I have been busy blogging in  my sleep, I've forgotten to do it in real life.

Q: Is that an excuse?
A:  Yup.
Q: What have you been up to?
A: To be honest, Facebook Scrabble.

Q: Enough of that! Why don't you get on top of it already? Multi-task.
A: Well... if you say so!

Q: Good Luck.
A: Thanks.

Here is a broadside I printed for the Center for Book Arts Poetry Reading Series.... I'll get more up soon. Fo' real.