Sunday, October 25, 2009


Oh office supplies, how I love thee. Tonight I sat down to "make" things, however living in a sublet apartment with minimal supplies I was surprised at my lack of creation tools. In other words, I miss you: typewriter, dry-transfer letters, scissors and envelopes. But post-its, glassine envelopes and exhibit stickers in hand, I have a little mail art project. It sets sail (post) tomorrow. If you want one, by all means, let me know!

Something happened to me, I check facebook WAY too much- so this project is my break from that, I'm asking for real, tactile, samples from my friends lives. I want them to pick up a feather on their way to work, or a receipt from their morning coffee, or maybe it's a movie ticket- it's anything! It's saved in an envelope, labeled and sent back to me! Lucky me. I'll post the results afterwards, and I hope it's a project that can grow!! I'm taking you down facebook. Mail "Exhibits" are the newest and hottest networking tools.

Friday, October 2, 2009