so a few weeks ago. or maybe months now (time is flying by) megan and i did some quality research at work on Sunprints (don't know what this is? click this yo!)... with an entire toy store full of items to lay on the the light sensitive paper we had so much fun. plus it was nice and sunny out! as we took turns standing guard with our prints, not ONE person asked what we were doing. if i had stumbled upon us, i would have asked.

while working at the toy store, selling numerous "open ended" play items i try to remember when i was a kid. a real kid. not a quarter of a century old kid. anything that was a "kit" i was into, constructing with blocks, making potions, the more i sell toys the more i realize how AWESOME it is to be a kid! it's another world and it's so easy to forget how simple things could be if we just played a little more! so megan and i ran around the store and we ended up laying down transparency cards with awesome images, plastic animals, prisms, tape, tape measures, nets, tea bags... we tried everything. and we played. and it was awesome!